The Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing Pod­cast "Cur­rent Af­fairs": Epis­ode 7 - What does the stu­dent coun­cil ac­tu­ally do?

 |  EIM-NachrichtenEI-Nachrichten

In the seventh episode of the Electrical Engineering podcast "Current Affairs", Hannes Geilhorn talks to our host, Olga Friesen, about the tasks, offers and activities of the student council.

Hannes studies Electrical Engineering at Paderborn University. He is active in the student council and is now chairing it for the second time. As chairman, Hannes leads the student council and its organisation.
The student council is a space where you can meet people, learn but also relax, Hannes roughly answers the question of what the student council actually is. In addition to the room, which is accessible to all students during opening hours, the student council does a lot more. For example, it organises the O-Week to welcome the first semester students, as well as Halloween and Christmas parties. Finally, the student council serves as a point of contact for any problems and questions students may have. It mediates between students and lecturers and represents the interests of students in various university committees.
"By students for students." Hannes summarises the concept of the student council succinctly.

Find out what else the student council is all about and how you can become part of the student council in the new episode of "Current Affairs".

Listen to the seventh episode of the Electrical Engineering podcast "Current Affairs" wherever podcasts are available or on the institute website.

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