The Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing Pod­cast "Cur­rent Af­fairs": Epis­ode 8 - What is an ap­point­ment com­mit­tee?

 |  EIM-NachrichtenEI-Nachrichten

In the eighth episode of the Electrical Engineering podcast "Current Affairs", Lars Luchterhandt talks to our host, Tim Hetkämper, about appointment committees and what lies behind them.

Our guest Lars Luchterhandt has already been a member of several appeal committees and can report on them first-hand. "[An appointment committee] is basically about filling a professorship," explains Lars himself. When a new position is to be filled or a professor is retiring, an appointment committee is formed. This is made up of professors, staff and a student. Applications and enquiries are discussed together and a decision is made on the appointment of the next professor.
As a student, you can actively participate in the decision and experience the process.

In the new episode of "Current Affairs", you can find out exactly what processes an appointment committee goes through.

Listen to the eighth episode of the Electrical Engineering podcast "Current Affairs" wherever podcasts are available or on the institute's website.

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