"Mi­crogrid For­um: the In­fra­struc­ture of Fu­ture En­ergy" – Kick off Event on Decem­ber 02nd at the Uni­ver­sity of Pader­born

 |  EIM-NachrichtenEI-Nachrichten

A central social challenge of the 21st century is the future warranty of a secure, clean, efficient and cost-effective energy supply. "Microgrids", decentralised intelligent power grid, shall be the key. Currently the research infrastructure arises within the project "Microgrid-Forum: The Energy Infrastructure" (µG Lab) at the University of Paderborn in order to develop concrete solutions for sustainable energy systems. The Kick-off event of the project "Microgrid Forum: the Infracstructure of Future Energy" takes place on Monday, December 02nd. In coorperation with Energy Impulse OWL the field of expertise of Power Electronics and Electric Drive Technology (LEA) and the Competence Centre for Sustainable Energy Technology (KET) of the University of Paderborn invite all interested parties at 2:30 pm in the L building. The event is addressed to research partners as well as political and economical interest representatives in the first place. Registrations are possible until November 29th via Makl to brueske(at)energie-impuls-owl(dot)de or online via:

https://www.energie-impuls-owl.de/microgrid-forum-die-energieinfrastruktur-der-zukunft/ .

During the event project goals and opportunities for participation shall be presented and discussed with actors from industry, research and politics about which potentials are offered by the Microgrid laboratory for intelligent Energy Systems of the future. After the greeting by Prof. Dr. René Fahr, vice president for transfer of know-how and technology of the University, Prof. Dr. Ing. Joachim Böcker, leader of the field of expertise of Power Electronics and Electrical Drive Technology (LEA) of the University, will introduce the Microgrid laboratory and gives a talk about project ideas as well as the basic structure of Microgrids. Subsequently Hubert Hermelingmeier representative of energy management Miele & Cie., Wibke Brems, energy-political spokesperson of the BÜNDNIS 90/Die Grünen in the State Parliament of North Rhine-Westphalia, Tim Busse, innovation manager of Intelligent Networking Technology Westfalen Weser Netz and Thorsten Vogt, AEG Power Solution, speak about the topic "Microgrid – local networks for energy revolution" within a discussion session. Finally the participants can meet during a "Get Together" which is moderated by Klaus Meyer from Energy Impulse OWL.

Microgrid Laboratory as a Platfom for Research and  Development Projects

The KET at the University of Paderborn is building an infrastructure which could serve to rebuild the behaviour of battery storages, wind turbines or cogeneration units in the laboratory, below the spring guide of the field of expertise LEA. With the µG laboratory a new platform for future research and development projects will be created in Paderborn in order to test and verify new innovative concepts under realistic conditions. By this means the competetive position of the local economy will be strengthened.

In the future Microgrids are supposed to guarantee a regenerative energy production. Microgrids are lokal networks which consist of energy sources, energy storage and energy consumers from different sectors. Your advantages: the percentage of the energy consumption of regeneratively provided energy can be increased and the peak power neded at the grid connection point can be reduced. Transports across long distances which are usually connected to loss will be reduced, so the efficiency of the energy supply will be increased. Furthermore distribution and transmission grids will be disburdened due to local structure which makes the need for expansion as well as recource consuming grids sink. Possible application areas of microgrids are industrial companies or residential areas.