
Re­store data

The restoration of data can only be carried out by RBM staff. In the event of data loss, please contact the Mathematics computer centre directly.

The home directory is backed up daily using the following policy

  • 3 versions of a file are kept.
  • 2 versions of a deleted file are kept.
  • Inactive files are deleted after 30 days.
  • After 90 days, the last version of a deleted file is removed from the Dasi.

Active data is never deleted from the backup server.

We use ZIM's central data backup system to back up the data. The software used is Commvault.

ZIM net­work stor­age

The ZIM provides all students and staff with storage space on a central repository. This can be accessed from anywhere in the university. To use the network storage, proceed as follows:

Ac­cess from Linux com­puters

Access is already prepared on the Linux computers at the Institute of Mathematics. The sequence of steps is important, as in the event of an error, the denial of access is also cached for a few minutes.

First, make sure that you have a Kerberos ticket from the domain UNI-PADERBORN.DE (on the maths computers you will receive one from MATH.UNI-PADERBORN.DE by default). You can use klist to display your Kerberos tickets. You can obtain a new ticket using"kinit <user>@UNI-PADERBORN.DE". You must enter your ZIM password at the password prompt.

You can then access the /upb directory tree. Your user data is located under /upb/users/<FIRST LETTER>/<USERNAME>/data.

If your workstation is your own computer, you can proceed according to one of the following instructions: https: //hilfe.uni-paderborn.de/Netzlaufwerk_einbinden

Ac­cess from Win­dows com­puters:

To access the network storage occasionally, simply open Windows Explorer. Enter the address of the network storage in the address bar: "\\fs-cifs.uni-paderborn University.de\home". A window will open asking you to enter your username and password. Enter "AD\" followed by your user. The password is again your ZIM password.

If you want to access the central network storage more frequently, it may make sense to integrate it as a network drive. To do this, open Windows Explorer again. Then right-click on "This PC" or "Computer" to open "Connect network drive". Enter \\fs-cifs.uni-paderborn University.de\home as the address again. You can freely select a drive letter.

Further information is available at: https: //hilfe.uni-paderborn.de/Netzlaufwerk_einbinden


Ac­cess from Mac com­puters:

Please refer to the ZIM documentation: https: //hilfe.uni-paderborn.de/Netzlaufwerk_einbinden


Nextcloud is the storage solution offered by the Institute of Mathematics for company data, for which a special user account is required.

Download the client for your respective operating system from the "Production" channel on the Nextcloud website and install it according to the instructions there.

  • Enables the distributed provision and backup of files

  • Offers the option of sharing files with other employees and groups

  • The files are stored on the university's private servers, which means that, unlike other cloud storage solutions, sensitive data can also be stored and exchanged

  • Separate backups are also created of files stored on the Nextcloud server so that the data is optimally protected against loss


Set up of Nextcloud un­der GNU/Linux.

To install your Nextcloud client on Linux, follow the steps below:

  1. Start the Nextcloud application that is installed on your PC/laptop.

  2. To set up the Nextcloud server of RBM, enter the address https://cloud.math.upb.de in the corresponding field in the connection wizard.

  3. Then verify yourself as a user by entering your access data.

  4. Confirm the storage location for the local Nextcloud folder

  5. Your account has been successfully set up

All files that you have stored on the Nextcloud server will now be synchronised to the local folder and vice versa.

Set up of Nextcloud un­der Ma­cOS X

To install your Nextcloud client under OS X, follow the steps below:

  1. Start the Nextcloud client

  2. To set up the Nextcloud server of RBM, enter the address https://cloud.math.upb.de in the corresponding field in the connection wizard

  3. Then verify yourself as a user by entering your access data

  4. Now you can select the folder on your Mac in which the Nextcloud files are to be stored (by default: ../Users/(username)/Nextcloud)

  5. By clicking on "Connect" and confirming the subsequent dialogue, the configuration of the Nextcloud client is complete

All files that you have stored on the Nextcloud server are now synchronised to the local folder and vice versa.

set up of NextCloud un­der Win­dows

To install your Nextcloud client on Windows, follow the steps below:

  1. Start the Nextcloud application that is installed on your PC/laptop

  2. To set up the Nextcloud server of RBM, enter the address cloud.math.upb.de in the corresponding field in the connection wizard

  3. Then verify yourself as a user by entering your access data

  4. Confirm the storage location for all synchronised Nextcloud files (C:\Users\(username)\Nextcloud)

  5. Your account has been successfully set up

All files that you have stored on the Nextcloud server will now be synchronised to the local folder and vice versa.

Ac­cess to own data

The Institute of Mathematics uses a firewall to protect external access to your data. Below you will find instructions on how to access your files from outside the mathematics computer network.
If you are in a public network, we recommend the use of VPN for the security of your data.

Access as

Ac­cess to data as an em­ploy­ee

As an employee, you have access to your personal data and data on the AG drives from outside the maths network via the kepler gateway server.

If you use Linux

  • You can use the command "sftp username@kepler.math.uni-paderborn.de" to log in to kepler and copy and manage your files.
    Alternatively, you can also use the command "scp".
  • You can use ssh to log in to kepler and edit your data in a console.

If you are using Windows

  • You can copy and manage your data using winscp or Filezilla.

  • You can use ssh to log in to kepler and edit your data in a console.

Ac­cess to data as a stu­dent

As a student, you have access to your personal data from outside the maths network via the gateway server sommerfeld.

If you use Linux

  • You can use the command "sftp username@sommerfeld.math.uni-paderborn.de" to log in to sommerfeld and copy and manage your files.
    Alternatively, you can also use the command "scp".
  • You can log in to sommerfeld via ssh and edit your data in a console.

If you are using Windows

  • You can copy and manage your data using winscp or Filezilla.

  • You can use ssh to log in to sommerfeld and edit your data in a console.