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Ober­sem­in­ar "Ana­lys­is und Geo­met­rie": Le­onid Ryvkin (Uni­versität Claude Bern­ard Ly­on 1): "Uni­ver­sal cent­ral ex­ten­sions of the Lie al­gebra of volume-pre­serving vec­tor fields"

Location: Hörsaal D1


The goal of the talk is proving a conjecture of Claude Roger about the universal central extension of the Lie algebra of volume-preserving vector fields. In the beginning we will briefly review the notion of central extensions of Lie algebras and their link to Chevalley-Eilenberg-cohomology. We will then proceed to Roger's conjecture, which lies in the (continuous) infinite-dimensional setting. To solve it we will need a combination of analytical and geometrical methods, and maybe even a bit of representation theory.
Based on joint work with Bas Janssens and Cornelia Vizman.