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Re­search sem­in­ar "Geo­met­ric and Har­mon­ic Ana­lys­is": Paul Nel­son (Aar­hus) (zoom talk), "Mi­cro­loc­al lifts and quantum unique er­godi­city for GL(2,Qp)"

Location: D2.314

Titel: Microlocal lifts and quantum unique ergodicity for GL(2,Qp)

Abstract: We will present the paper named in the title, which available at  The paper constructs a representation-theoretic microlocal lift for principal series representations of GL(2,Qp), and uses this to prove a form of QUE for Hecke eigenfunctions on certain path spaces over finite arithmetic graphs.  This provides an analogue at non-archimedean places of some results of Zelditch, Wolpert and Lindenstrauss at the archimedean place.

If you are interested in participating online please contact  Tobias Weich or Benjamin Delarue in order to receive the login details.