
Ober­se­mi­nar "Geo­me­tri­sche und har­mo­ni­sche Ana­ly­sis": Pa­wel Ple­wa (To­ri­no)

Ort: D2.314

Titel: Riesz transforms and spectral multiplier theorem for extensions of Bessel–Kingman hypergroups

Abstract: We consider a one parameter extension by dilations of the Bessel–Kingman hypergroup. We prove a sharp spectral multiplier theorem for the lifted Bessel operator. Moreover, we prove L^p-boundedness of the associated Riesz transforms in the full range of p. As an application, we show the L^p boundedness of Riesz transforms corresponding to a left-invariant sub-Laplacian on a solvable extension of stratified Lie groups.

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