
Ober­se­mi­nar "Geo­me­tri­sche und har­mo­ni­sche Ana­ly­sis": Kon­stan­ti­nos Tsou­va­las (MPI Leip­zig)

Ort: D2.314

Titel: Robust quasi-isometric embeddings of hyperbolic groups in SLn(C)

Abstract: Anosov representations, introduced by Labourie and further generalized by Guichard-Wienhard, form a large class of discrete and stable hyperbolic subgroups of semisimple Lie groups, generalizing classical convex cocompact subgroups of rank one Lie groups. In this talk, we will provide a construction of stable, non-rigid, quasi-isometrically embedded hyperbolic subgroups of SL(n,C), for sufficiently large n, which are not limits of Anosov representations.

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