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Re­search sem­in­ar "Geo­met­ric and Har­mon­ic Ana­lys­is": Kon­stanti­nos Tsouv­alas (MPI Leipzig)

Location: D2.314

Title: Robust quasi-isometric embeddings of hyperbolic groups in SLn(C)

Abstract: Anosov representations, introduced by Labourie and further generalized by Guichard-Wienhard, form a large class of discrete and stable hyperbolic subgroups of semisimple Lie groups, generalizing classical convex cocompact subgroups of rank one Lie groups. In this talk, we will provide a construction of stable, non-rigid, quasi-isometrically embedded hyperbolic subgroups of SL(n,C), for sufficiently large n, which are not limits of Anosov representations.

If you are interested in participating online please contact  Tobias Weich or Benjamin Delarue in order to receive the login details.