The Elec­tric­al En­gin­eer­ing Pod­cast "Cur­rent Af­fairs": Epis­ode 2 - E2-Day - Choose your spe­cial­isa­tion!

 |  EIM-NachrichtenEI-Nachrichten

In the second episode of the new electrical engineering podcast “Current Affairs”, guest Andre Becker talks to the host, Olga Friesen, about the Electrical Engineering Day (E2-Day).

Andre Becker is organizing this year's E2-Day with his colleagues and gives insights into what visitors can expect there. 
One focus is the presentation of the subject areas, where students can find out about their choice of specialization. The Student Advisory Service will also be on hand to answer questions at E2 Day.
This will take place on 22.05.2024 from 14:00 to 17:00 in the G lecture hall and is open to everyone. In addition to pure information, there will also be exciting experiments, coffee and cake, Andre reveals in conversation.

In the end, the host and the guest agree that it's definitely worth stopping by. “Then [the lecturers][...] are also encouraged to postpone or cancel their lecture for this.” Andre Becker emphasizes at the end.

Listen now to the second episode of the new electrical engineering podcast “Current Affairs” wherever podcasts are available or on the institute's website.

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