User account for the mathematics computer network
To get a maths account, select within the administration of your ZIM login (service portal) in the User administration menu, select University account settings and apply for access to the mathematics computer centre (RBM).
Afterwards, please apply for an account for the mathematics computer network in person with your certificate of enrolment at the mathematics computer centre (D2.301). The user account remains valid for the duration of your enrolment.
Library research
Please note the following when accessing library research from different networks.
Laptop with cable | no restriction |
PC at the institute | no restriction |
otherwise |
Notes for course instructors
The course logins you distribute are, like all logins in the maths network, personalised individual logins.
Therefore, please make sure that
- only the person who is actually authorised (student ID!) receives their UID and password
a UID is not used by more than one person
the preset passwords are changed as quickly as possible
Please also point out to your course participants that
- by logging in for the first time, they automatically accept the terms of use of the mathematics computer network
logins can be blocked in the event of violations of the user regulations
if you have any problems, please contact the Mathematics Computer Centre (tel. 3494 or 2634, room D2.301 or D2.308)
the computers must not be switched off
applications must be closed correctly so that they do not continue to load the computer when you log out.
Thank you very much for your support!
Information for guests
How do I get a login?
Creating a university account for guests / information for guest supervisors: ZIM guest administration
If you want to use your own laptop and wifi, an ZIM account is sufficient.
If you would like to use the computers at the Institute of Mathematics, you will also need a maths account. Please contact your supervisor so that the time period and ZIM login can be forwarded to
Can I connect to wifi with my laptop?
There are 2 ways to connect to the university wifi:
Use of eduroam/DFNRoaming . This is only possible if a corresponding certificate from your home institution is installed on your laptop.
You can log in to the wifi with webauth, for this you need
- a ZIM guest account
Alternatively: a temporary ZIM account (e.g. for conference participants)
For more information on network access for guests, see ZIM network access
Cable network on your laptop?
If you have access to a cable (for example in one of our offices), the Mac address of the laptop must be activated. This task is carried out by the computer support in D2.301. The laptop can then be used in the mathematics cable network.
VPN - but how?
The ZIM offers a VPN service that can be used if, for example, webauth (unencrypted) is used. Detailed instructions can be found on the ZIM help pages.
Info media room
The Institute of Mathematics has equipped the media room D2.314 with a video conferencing system.
To use the system, it is necessary to log in with the maths login on the Windows PC located in the room.
Instructions for the media room
Info pool rooms
The Institute of Mathematics operates two pool rooms for students.
- a Linux pool in D3.301
- a Windows pool in D3.339 or D3.344
The pool rooms are also used for courses and must be vacated when required. The current occupancy plan is always displayed on the door.
Access to pool rooms
The pool rooms are open during the week from 8.00 am to 6.00 pm. At other times, the rooms can only be accessed by magnetic card. You can obtain a magnetic card from theComputer Operationsif you have a maths login.
Course participants can only use the room during the specified general opening hours. Access to the maths pool rooms by magnetic card is logged due to theft in the past. The data is used to investigate suspected offenders. Please do not open the door on knocks or for others. Do not lend out your magnetic card and report the loss of your card immediately.
Maths software
Linux computers (with the exception of gateway servers)
- Magma (call with magma - only on individual licensed computers)
- Maple (call with xmaple or maple)
- Matlab (call with matlab )
Windows computers:
- Cinderella
- GeoGebra
- Fathom
- Maple
- Matlab
- Octave
- TI-Nspire CX + CAS
Service description notebooks
We offer the following services for members of the Institute of Mathematics:
- Access to the mathematics network
New installation of Windows or Ubuntu with standard software
Installation of licensed single-user software
Assistance with support cases such as defective hardware
Advice on the selection of a new notebook
The following services are not to our service:
- Backup and restore
Setup of services for which we have instructions in our FAQs.
Installation and support for Mac notebooks
Installation of additional software
Virtual operating systems
Troubleshooting for reconfigured systems (e.g. after an Ubuntu upgrade attempt)
Access to the WLAN
Please also note the services offered by the Paderborn University Notebook Café.
Security in maths
Passwords and authorisation
Security risk when using telnet/rlogin and ftp
SSH as a secure alternative to telnet/ftp
Security tips
Access rights to files and directories under Linux
Antivirus client for notebooks (Windows)