Mail­man FAQ

Basic information:

What is a mailing list?

Very simply explained, it is a list of e-mail addresses. If you write an e-mail to a mailing list, it will be distributed to all addresses that are on that list.

How can I display already existing mailing lists?

Enter the following link in the address field of your internet browser:

NEW after 01.02.2025


OLD before 01.02.2025


Click on "Verwaltung Mailinglisten" and you will get a list of all already existing mailinglists published by the administrator.

How can I subscribe to a mailing list?

There are two possibilities here. You can contact the owner or administrator of the list directly and ask them to add you to the mailing list, or you can visit the following page

click here on the desired mailing list and follow the displayed instructions for subscribing to a mailing list.

How can I unsubscribe from a mailing list?

Please click on the list you want to unsubscribe from.

At the bottom of the page you will find the item "Unsubscribe / Change a mail address". Enter your e-mail address, with which you are on the list, into the empty field and click on the button to the right of it. After that you have to follow the instructions under the item "Unsubscribe".

How can I create a new mailing list?

To do so, please contact one of the postmasters of the Mathematics Computer Center.

How do I enter recipients?

First, you must be an administrator of the corresponding mailing list. If this is the case, please visit the following page:

Here please select the appropriate mailing list. Enter the administrator password to log in. You will get an administrative overview of the mailing list, where you click on "Member Administration..." in the left column and then on "Subscribe". You will have a few options to choose from and below that you can enter the new email address(es) in a text box. Make sure that you only enter one email address per line. Optionally, you will be given the option to select a text file that contains the email addresses to be entered in the same form.

By clicking the "Save changes" button, Mailman will add the email addresses to the list and bring you back to the main menu. Now all you have to do is log out.

How do I add recipients?

First of all, you must be an administrator of the corresponding mailing list. If this is the case, visit the following page:

Here please select the appropriate mailing list. Enter the administrator password to log in. You will get an administrative overview of the mailing list, where you click on "Member Administration..." in the left column and then on "Subscribe". You will have a few options to choose from and below that you can enter the new email address(es) in a text box. Make sure that you only enter one email address per line. Optionally, you will be given the option to select a text file that contains the email addresses to be entered in the same form.

By clicking the "Save changes" button, Mailman will add the email addresses to the list and bring you back to the main menu. Now all you have to do is log out.

How do I add recipients?

First of all, you need to be an administrator of the corresponding mailing list. If that is the case, visit the following page:

Here please select the appropriate mailing list. Enter the administrator password to log in. You will get an administrative overview of the mailing list, where you click on "Member Administration..." in the left column and then on "Delete/Unregister".

Select whether users and list owners should be informed. In the text field that follows, enter the e-mail addresses to be removed, as they appear in the mailing list. Again, please note that only one e-mail address is entered per line. Optionally, you can again select a text file that contains the e-mail addresses to be removed in the same form. Clicking on "Save changes" will remove the e-mail addresses from the list and take you back to the main menu, where you only need to log out.

How do I set up another moderator?

Log in as administrator of your list in the "Mailing list administration...". Select the first item "General options". Then, in the third text field, you must enter the email addresses of the people who are to become moderators of the list, as they appear in the list. Note that only one address is entered per line.

Press the "Save changes" button at the bottom of the page and log out again. The persons are entered as moderators.

How do I change the passwords?

Prerequisite is that you are registered as an administrator of the list. Log in as such at the "Mailing list administration...". How this works you can read for example under the point "How do I register recipients?" in this FAQ.

Once you have logged in, select "Passwords" from the menu and follow the instructions.

How do I set who is allowed to write to the list and who is not?

First of all you have to log in as administrator. See "How to enter recipients". If you are in the main administrative menu of the mailing list, select the item "Subscription rules and address filters...". You will get some sub-items of the menu. Under the second subitem you can set who is allowed to write to the list and who is not. Simply select the appropriate options and fill them in. Once all the settings are made, you need to click on the "Save changes" button to apply them. And don't forget to log out when you are done ;-)

If it is a mailing list that is not published, please enter the appropriate link in the address bar of your internet browser to get to the desired page:

Administrator / Moderator:

Subscriber / future subscriber: